When it comes to individuals’ rights under the law, few understand the value on their rights until they are in a position to seek answers. Such is the case with Workers’ Compensation law. While most people realize that their employer should pay their medical bills if they are injured on the job, few understand the specific benefits open to them and how to claim those benefits. For this reason, if you’ve been injured on the job, it is wise to seek legal counsel from a personal injury attorney with insight into Workers’ Compensation laws.
To begin, Findlaw describes Workers’ Compensation as accident insurance that covers most Georgia workers for injuries and diseases that comes about as a result of the worker’s employment. Decades ago, if a worker was injured on the job, they would essentially walk into a local court and sue their employer. Thankfully, this is no longer the case. With the establishment of the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation, compensation benefits are granted without having to rely on local court systems. Most importantly, however, workers have the right to receive benefits such as loss of wages and medical expenses, no matter who was at fault.
In regards to “injuries,” many individuals wonder about the type of injuries that are covered. They also wonder if injuries must be sudden and acute to receive benefits, or if a slowly progressing injury can be claimed. According to the Workers’ Compensation Act, injuries do not have to be sustained suddenly. In other words, injuries such as hearing loss over time, arthritis due to heavy lifting, carpal tunnel syndrome, lung disease and respiratory illness might be covered if it is determined that an individual’s job played a role.
While Workers’ Compensation has changed considerably since the 1920’s, making it easier for injured workers to be compensated under the law, filing a Workers’ Compensation claim is not always straightforward and simple. To be safe, it’s always a good idea to speak to a qualified and trusted attorney.
Because there is a wide range of personal injuries, some of which are serious or catastrophic, Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP, takes a sympathetic, yet tenacious approach to personal injury and Workers’ Compensation cases. We are dedicated to helping injured individuals and their families file justifiable claims to receive the compensation that they need and deserve.
If you’ve been injured on the job, and you need help understanding your rights and how to file, contact the trusted legal team at Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP today.
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