Any type of personal injury can result in losses. If you have to take time off from work, you will likely lose earnings. Once medical treatment comes into the equation, there is the risk of increased health insurance costs or paying out-of-pocket.
You may also lose personal property or face repair costs for a vehicle after an accident. While you would expect to recover these loses in an insurance claim, the process is not always straightforward. Bad faith dealings with an insurance company could result in you paying to replace your own property.
Medical Costs
In the aftermath of personal injury, insurmountable medical costs become a legitimate concern. Depending on what’s covered under your health insurance, you may face additional charges for treatment.
If you were not responsible for the accident that resulted in your injuries, you may have a case for compensation. An award in Augusta, GA could take the added financial burden off your shoulders. Speak to a personal injury lawyer if you are struggling to pay your medical bills.
Loss of Earnings
Loss of earnings after an accident is hard to predict. You could need days, weeks, months or even years out of work to recover. Unfortunately, many victims of personal injury are never able to return to work. When you are facing serious disability through no fault of your own, you may deserve support through compensation.
In a personal injury lawsuit, both current and future loss of earnings are considered. You can consult with a personal injury lawyer in Georgia to discuss your case. Contact Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP to learn more.
Personal Injury Consultation
A personal injury claim consultation can provide a starting point for recovering your losses. As an injured party, navigating the legal landscape alone may prove difficult. Consulting with a lawyer can result in strong support and potential representation.
It is important to consider that your case may enter different areas of law. At Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP, we have the experience you need to help you secure fair compensation. Call today if you have recently suffered injuries resulting from the negligent actions of another.
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