Criminal charges in Georgia often carry significant jail time. In certain cases, defendants may be able to avoid this punishment through other ways. With incarceration alternatives, courts are able to avoid jail overcrowding and reduce the risk of a convicted criminal reoffending. Here are three incarceration alternatives that may be available, depending on your criminal charge.
Community Service
Community service can be a common incarceration alternative in Georgia. The assignment may depend on the crime. Defendants are often committed to duties related to a public service or charity organization. Certain requirements for the community services are to be met before the Georgia court takes any further action on the case. If a defendant fails to meet the obligations for community service, it may result in an additional contempt of court conviction added to the criminal charges.
Home Incarceration Surveillance
In certain criminal cases, defendants may face home incarceration as an alternative to jail time. Depending on the charge, this may require electronic surveillance equipment in order to ensure compliance with the Georgia court. Defendants who are considered dangerous may have a device attached to their leg for monitoring their location. There may be curfews or restrictions on when and where defendants are able to go outside of their homes.
Daily Reporting
Defendants convinced of non-violent crimes who are considered to pose little to no threat may be ordered for daily reporting by Georgia courts. This incarceration alternative requires defendants to check in at a specific local facility. This reporting may be done daily or at designated intervals, depending on the criminal charge. This process is usually required for defendants placed on probation or parole.
Discover Georgia Incarceration Alternatives for Your Criminal Case
Criminal charges can lead to devastating consequences. An effective defense can help you defeat your criminal case or lessen the punishment with incarceration alternatives. The experienced lawyers at Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP provide competent and aggressive legal representation to protect the rights of our Georgia clients. Whatever legal charge you may be facing, you can receive the focused attention and legal advice you need. Protect your freedom and your future by calling today to schedule a consultation.
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